Little Drops of Water® - Saint John Paul II Collectors Edition - Victoria's Toy Station
Little Drops of Water® - Saint John Paul II Collectors Edition - Victoria's Toy Station
Little Drops of Water® - Saint John Paul II Collectors Edition - Victoria's Toy Station

Saint John Paul II Collectors Edition

Saint John Paul II Collectors Edition St. John Paul II was the Pope, or leader of the Catholic Church, from 1978-2005. Growing up in Poland, he loved sports and theater. He felt a call to the priesthood and was ordained in 1946. After being made a Bishop, he was elected Pope in 1978. Pope John Paul II changed the face of the Papacy and the Catholic Church. He traveled around the world, bringing the message of Jesus to people everywhere. Pope John Paul II had a great love for Jesus and Mary and talked about them often, especially in his writings. He has been called one of the greatest Popes of all time. Pope John Paul II died in 2005 and was canonized a Saint by Pope Francis in 2014. More information: * 4.55" height. * Gift boxed for easy giving and receiving * Figurine * Very high quality resin and only new materials * Beautifully hand painted * Perfect gift for any occasion, for a child, parent, grand-parent, teacher. * Highly collectible (limited edition)
Regular price$18.00

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